Your child’s well-being is our primary concern, and we are dedicated to providing your child with care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and holidays.
Our physicians are on-site at our office Monday through Saturday. We encourage you to call us for all urgent medical concerns during these times. We will accommodate your child’s needs at our office. Call our main number, (716) 558-5437, during regular office hours.
Life happens! Sometimes illness and accidents occur after hours. Our on-call physicians or nurses are available overnight and on weekends and holidays to provide you with advice. Please call our answering service (716) 827-1684, so we can help you decide if you need to take your child to the Emergency Room or provide you with advice to get you through the night. When the offices are closed the main office number will direct you to our answering service. If your call has not been returned within one half hour, please call the answering service again and ask to have the page to the doctor repeated. If this is a true emergency dial 911.
Keep Us in the Loop
If your child does need immediate attention after hours in an Emergency room, we appreciate a call before you go. When you call us first, we will recommend an appropriate facility. We will call the facility with our concerns. When we call the facility in advance of your arrival, we request and receive direct communication at the conclusion of the visit. This ensures that we remain involved in your child’s care for improved continuity when you return to our office for follow up care.